colisee desjardins

Colisee Desjardins - Victoriaville, QC Tickets

Colisee Desjardins Tickets and Seating Charts - Victoriaville, QC

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Buy Tickets to Colisee Desjardins

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Colisee Desjardins. However, we expect Colisee Desjardins to announce more events soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the venue. Read about parking, concessions, seating, rideshare, public transportation, bag policy, amenities, and more, and check back soon to buy Colisee Desjardins tickets!

Located in Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada is the Colisee Desjardins. This multi-purpose arena has a capacity of 3,420 and has been host to some of the best live events in the area since 1951. It features a capacity of 7,500 and can host both sporting matches and live music events, providing an ideal viewing experience from any seat in the house.

Victoriaville is a lively city with something for everyone. It has plenty of parks, such as Parc Beaudet and Parc du Boisé-de-la-Rivière, for picnics and hikes, as well as the Musée d'Art Populaire de Victoriaville (MAPV), where visitors can see an impressive collection of contemporary art from the region. There are also plenty of restaurants and nightlife venues offering live music and dancing until late at night. The local shopping district through downtown streets lined with boutiques is also worth exploring.

The Colisee Desjardins is an impressive arena offering an exciting atmosphere for hockey games, concerts, and more. Built in 1980, it combines historic charm and modern amenities for an unforgettable experience. Whether you're a local sports fan or looking for an outing with friends and family, the Colisee Desjardins is sure to provide an unforgettable experience.