centre marcel dionne

Centre Marcel Dionne - Drummondville, QC Tickets

Centre Marcel Dionne Tickets and Seating Charts - Drummondville, QC

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Buy Tickets to Centre Marcel Dionne

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Centre Marcel Dionne. However, we expect Centre Marcel Dionne to announce more events soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the venue. Read about parking, concessions, seating, rideshare, public transportation, bag policy, amenities, and more, and check back soon to buy Centre Marcel Dionne tickets!

Located in Drummondville, Quebec, the Centre Marcel Dionne is an impressive multi-purpose arena that has a capacity of 4,000. Named after local hockey legend and Hockey Hall of Fame forward Marcel Dionne, the arena opened its doors in 1991 and since then has been major redeveloped three times. In 2005, it welcomed another stage with 1,500 more seats, bringing it to a total of 4,500. Events such as concerts, sporting events, and exhibitions can be held at the center, and it is perfect for any type of large gathering. It also serves as a venue for numerous events such as concerts, circuses, and family shows as well as conventions and other sports activities such as basketball.

You won't regret visiting Drummondville for an event or a show! Located between Quebec City and Montreal, in the heart of the region's busiest transportation corridor, Drummondville is a vibrant city full of energy. With so many amenities to choose from, there's something for everyone in Drummondville. The city boasts picturesque parks and gardens, leisure centers, sports facilities, restaurants, a microbrewery, and a pastry shop.

Whether you are looking to attend or host an event at this incredible venue, be sure to check out what's going on at Centre Marcel Dionne soon! Centre Marcel Dionne is almost 30 years old now, but it remains popular amongst locals and visitors alike due to its modern facilities and an impressive lineup of events scheduled throughout the year. From cheering on Drummondville Voltigeurs Ice hockey matches to enjoying other events throughout the year, the Centre Marcel Dionne offers something for everyone. It's a great place to go for a night of entertainment and excitement, so be sure to check it out when you're in or near Drummondville!